Thursday, March 25, 2010


                                    Chanel Iman moved from FORD MODELS to SUPREME

                                  Lakshmi Menon went from FORD MODELS to SUPREME

                                   Ranya Mordanove went from SUPREME to FORD MODELS

                                  Karoline Wolter went from SUPREME to FORD MODELS

One day your the TOP name in your AGENCY and basically have become the FACE of the agency and the next day your with RIVAL agency and making them your new home. That's what happened in the last two weeks in the fashion world. Women and Supreme founder Paul Rowland and Ford women's division head Caroline Poznanskis switched places.

Paul took top names like Ranya and Karoline to FORD and Caroline took her top names like Chanel Iman and Lakshami Menon to Supreme.

Can you imagine if this happend to IMG and DNA MODELS??!!! Those two agencies are HOMES of SUPERMODELS

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